
Is this thing on?

Write: 4,000 new words in 4.5 hours across two sessions.
Edit: Minor touch-ups here and there, as I skimmed earlier scenes
Project(s): MIDNIGHT HANDS (part 1)

Current dilemma involves word counts, and when or if to split a story at a certain point.
Also on my mind is a big question: at what point do I start self-publishing for real? All advice seems to be: as soon as possible, but the planner and polisher in me wants to build up a big bank of edited words first, so that I can maintain a release schedule versus being “on the hook” all the time. More on this later, as I actually figure it out!
Anyway: today I wrote about 2,000 new words in 2.5 hours, cooking right around 800 WPH. I actually backtracked a bit, cutting the latest scene two scenes and revising the story to get a certain plot point faster. My 10,000 word plan is looking like it might round out around 20,000… so the first dilemma is around splitting in half or having a chunkier “pilot.”

It is gym time now, so I don’t want to sit around philosophizing about it because I am kind of hungry but don’t want to eat until after workin’ out, so sooner I go the better ahhh why I am still typing stop it.

Came back and did another 2,000 (two scenes) in… about the same time frame. It’s 11:40pm, returned from the gym in the 9:10pm zone, had some food, did some unrelated research on Graphic Recording Facilitation around 9:40pm… so actually motoring at about 1,000WPH.

It was a scene (”Shadow World” of MIDNIGHT HANDS, currently labeled ‘Split’ and ‘Keys’) that was in my brain since last night. I had a pretty clear vision of what would happen, so I think that sped the brain > fingers process by, well, what seems to be 25% or so. Cool.

I’ve about 3,000 words left until the 20K mark, and based on what’s left to tell, we now could be in the 22-24K landing zone. Even with a crisp edit, shaving would get it to 20K unless some structural bombs happen. Hm hm.
Note to self: these “blogs” are quite unstructured. Dunno if they’re readable. I’m sure I’ll find a rhythm.

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