Sometimes the cure is to sit down and power through, sometimes you have to stand still and reorient.
Today I wrote no new words, but I did hammer out some 1,300 words of an outline that totally redrafts the HUNTING MIDNIGHT episode that I’d lost steam on. And now I am excited to write in it again! The meandering plot was disciplined and I solved a bunch of downstream mechanical issues with how all the creeps and ghosts actually work. Hoping that I can sit down tomorrow evening and catch up on the word count!
I also set up a public word count tracker chart on my Critique Circle profile for additional motivation.
Alongside all this, the CHILLCRAFTER story is still excited to have its chance to become a first chapter. I think I’ll try to get MIDNIGHT done before I indulge it.
Tomorrow is also the first monthly roundup / lessons learned / milestone blog. Depending on where I am with the motivation to write stories, I may use the upcoming long weekend to make sure I create something worthwhile vs slap a monthly synopsis together. I’m kind of pumped to lay it all out, step back, and see what was accomplished!