3,250 words! Got swept up in writing the climax, which is a very good sign of a string of scenes that were at least entertaining to write! That doesn’t mean they’re great to read, but the Reader always knows when the Writer was having a shit time. Almost 1am now, hah. Bed now, hoping the residual energy doesn’t keep me up all hours.
Thought from earlier today: the “drake equation” of marketable originality aka another way to express the worthlessness of ideas:
You can start with a large pool of idea havers, call it 1,000,000 people who thought of a fantasy story that revolves around the idea of magic leaking out of the world (common af, I use it!) — The gauntlet of checkpoints will leave you with a teeny number, which should simultaneously inspire and terrify, depending on your gumption and willingness to be a legit mofuggin’ writer. I’ll want to flesh this out in the next milestone piece, at latest.