Oh yes, I remember what I did yesterday. I created an HTML based ad for Hunting Midnight. It’s for the ‘Share Your Story’ thread in the paranormal forum on Wattpad. I doubt it gets a ton of traction, but it’s a place to put stuff and forces me to think about things like endorsements and positioning. Every week or so, the thread is wiped and you have to repost, so I keep the HTML code handy in Google Keep and post it whenever I can think of it. It’s a challenge to try and get in first, at least that was my experience when making these for The Mountain Dancer back in the day. This blog area lets me put in HTML, so let’s if I can preview it here!
Anyway, today I was able to get this into position six or so. I also fiddled with some compiling stuff on Scrivener. Mostly though, the day was spent reconnecting with one friend and binge-ing the hell out of Rick and Morty (s3) with another.