Updated: January 1, 2020
Oh man, where did 2020 come from?
In reflecting on things when one does at this time of the year, visiting this site and seeing update timestamps bearing “2018” made me a little sad. The good news is that this idea, this dream, the belief in the magic and power of words is all still alive and prominent in my life—it has moved its energy into different things, for now.
So I’ll keep the items that I was excited about and working on below, for that potential time when I decide to focus on exporting fiction. There’s a $500 hosting bill on its way come 2021 or so… that may provide a nice motivator 😉
Circa Summer 2018, below
- Final Girl Press is live and ready for submissions!
- MostlyLies had a birthday and I kinda missed it! Oops!
- Crestfallen’s out!
- The four intro posts to The Self-Pub Hub are live!
IG accounts @mostlyliesbooks and @writewritenow have about 700 1,200 followers between them.
Also, first draft of Hunting Midnight, Episode 6 is complete. Will be taking a little break from the series to let episodes 3 to 5 marinate.
Other stuff
To do
- Deep plotting for The Childseeker’s War, Part Two
- Write five new Reddit shorts (one | two | three | four | five)
- Continue populating The Self-Pub Hub (first basic posts complete!)
- Be more active on Critique Circle | Current Activity Rank: NADA 🙁
- Edit Episode 4, 5
Paperback and ebook for THE CHILDSEEKER’S WAReBook for HUNTING MIDNIGHT, EPISODE TWOFinish the first draft of Hunting Midnight, Episode Three.Create the beginning of the self-publishing resource hub, possibly think of neat name for itBuild individual web pages for each HM episode with deeper synopses/author notesDeep plotting for Hunting Midnight, Episode FourTest the new tracker system for a month or soFinish drafting ep5Explore writing prompt idea using story cubes and other diceFormatting fixes to paperbacks (recto/verso stuff)(complete but KDP hates the files for some reason,resolved!)Edit, publish Hunting Midnight Episode 3